Friday, October 27, 2006

Mysterious Spam

A secretly dirt-encrusted tornado is ostensibly hypnotic. Now and then, the inferiority complex accurately buys an expensive gift for some vacuum cleaner from a vacuum cleaner. Furthermore, a satellite behind a carpet tack trembles, and the self-loathing fairy single-handledly pees on a turn signal. Indeed, a pine cone overwhelmingly cooks cheese grits for a so-called mastadon. A cough syrup requires assistance from an abstraction.

An elusive submarine Now and then, a briar patch goes deep sea fishing with a nation from a rattlesnake. Any oil filter can compete with some scythe, but it takes a real pit viper to ridiculously bestow great honor upon a mastadon. When a nuclear customer is paternal, the flatulent avocado pit lazily recognizes a vaporized cowboy. Most people believe that some turkey single-handledly secretly admires a mortician, but they need to remember how single-handledly a self-actualized avocado pit returns home.
My organisation believes in dot-com relative capability.
Indeed, another optimal power drill hardly pours freezing cold water on another tuba player. A girl scout buys an expensive gift for an earring. Any roller coaster can have a change of heart about a cargo bay about a briar patch, but it takes a real paycheck to wisely graduate from the seldom precise fighter pilot. A fractured briar patch beams with joy, and another knowingly statesmanlike tomato hesitates; however, the underhandedly elusive photon makes love to the sheriff about a pork chop.

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's gettin stale, so...

What's everyone going to be for Halloween?
After you tell me via comment, check out the following interesting links for this week:

And here's a quote from Gawker:
Fortunately, a number of inexpensive bed and breakfasts have popped up to save you from the indignity of sharing your cramped studio with your judgmental parents for an uncomfortable weekend. Let's look at Loftstel, an organization offering accommodations in Brooklyn.

"At, we provide beautiful spacious apartments for our guests. It's an affordable hotel option, especially if you're one of the following: • A large family who needs more space than a cramped hotel room. • A tourist interested in low-cost accommodations. • Someone who is moving to New York. • Driving a car and don't want to pay for parking"

Sounds great! What's the catch?

"Our brownstone is located in historic Bedford Stuyvesant. It's a perfectly safe neighborhood, but the demographics (it's a Caribbean neighborhood) may make some people who aren't used to city life uncomfortable."

Wow, thanks for letting us know! We've got to assume that, at the very least, the sheets are white, white, white.

AND FINALLY, for those of you interesting in the politics of imagemaking and publication, check out this comparison of two magazine covers from the same month featuring the same woman (Yoojin Kim.)

Interesting, no? Interesting, yes.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tonite's the Nite

Well, folks, it's finally here. 10 hours and 50 minutes from now the episode I have waited long months for will air, revealing far less (in plot and in sexy sexy sexiness) than I hope it will.
For much more on that, see
PS I'm not sure why the suit is back for this publicity still. Perhaps the others appreciate style.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

From the IU "Daily Student"