More religious truth, in image form
Sarah's post was very interesting and it prompted me to do a little research on said book.
Along the way I found other illustrations from JW books:
Look at the guy on the right, in the turtle neck and blazer. He looks mysteriously like the supposed "Mexican" in Sarah's first image.
This impage appears to be a white man leading a group of Asians. Well, maybe the man is Asian, too. But we can all agree that no man in a sash is to be trusted.
The caption read: "War in heaven ended with Satan and the demons being hurled down to earth. You are now feeling the effects"
Along the way I found other illustrations from JW books:
Look at the guy on the right, in the turtle neck and blazer. He looks mysteriously like the supposed "Mexican" in Sarah's first image.

But are we supposed to believe that heaven is in outer space? And could angels, evil or otherwise, really survive the heat generated on re-entry?
Propoganda usually proves to be very intersting. And it's nice to see the JW's aren't left out.
I think we're all feeling all those drugs you did in the '70s.
I haven't checked the archive in a while and it is nice you see that you guys are stickin' it to the JW's. Scientologists get all the attention because they are bat shit insane, but would it make little baby jesus cry to know that most americans are unequal in their religious ridicule? bravo, bravo.
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