Was your voice heard last night?

I certainly hope so. It is the civic duty of each and every one of us to cast our vote. It is what separates us (democratic America) from the rest of the world (the Godless enemy.)
We the people (and remember: if you do not vote, you cannot complain) have once again elected a gray haired white man to a prestigious public office. The important difference, though, is that Taylor is incredibly incredible and his sexiness is rivaled only by fellow silver fox Anderson Cooper (who is, like Taylor, so hot right now.)
Over and Out.
I bought Vanity Fair for the first time ever because of that cover. The picture I wish was on the cover is the one inside where he is sitting on a bed in a New Orleans hotel, anguished with his hand to his forehead, pouring over his laptop to share with the CNN watching public the awful, gutwrenching truth.
A friend of a friend dated him. I know, some guys have all the luck.
I want to see the love doll.
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